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A common misconception about debt collectors

A common misconception about debt collectors

By: Carol Ann Aldridge, CCUFC | Certified Lending Counselor

Published: 08/13/2021

Sometimes life throws you curve balls, and you find yourself struggling to make ends meet. Life happens. While becoming behind on your financial obligations can be worrisome, talking to your debt collector(s) doesn’t have to be. A common misconception about debt collection is the collector isn’t concerned for you, but the truth is, collectors are people just like you and they want to help you come up with solutions that create win-win situations. Below are a few tips for when speaking to your collector(s):

  1. Verify the debt is yours
  2. Understand your rights
  3. Speak calmly and logically
  4. If you can’t pay in full, set up a payment arrangement

Understand that collectors not only help you get your debts back in good standing but can also provide you with useful information to prevent collections in the first place. If you find yourself struggling financially, contact your creditors immediately so they can assist you. We want you to be able to erase afraid from your vocabulary and pay off debt with confidence! 

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